The U.S. Armyhaslong wayto improveits operationsin theongoing warin Iraqand Afghanistan, as well as formsthathave been studiedin order toc reate a balance was sought wheeled robot kits that canmaneuverthrough buildingsin the center ofcity.
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Tank robot chassis mobile platform |
This 4WD Mobile Robot Kit was necessary because of tanks and armored cars were tool arge to pass through the narrow streets, while soldiersmay facea riskwell documented. Military research funded Florida Institute of human knowled geand machine(IHMC) TBotdesign, the solution of these problems.
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4WD robot mobile platform chassis parts |
Becausemodern technologyis still able tocreatea soldieranddesign of design of biped robot with four-wheel anti-gun to eye level, which is a two-wheel edrobot TBotmore.The idea was puton 2 wheel sand make some operations, but at the sametime, isquite movingobstaclesin the streetsof Baghdadand Afghanistanon adangerous path. It isthe ability toquickly assemblea deep4-wheel andwork asa small carwas critical. TBotwas builtfirst on asmall transformer, andMichaelBayshowedus todo these things.
Some of the challengesfaced byresearchersare stilla mobile robot kit to maintain balanceand minimize damagein the event ofa fall.Climbing stairsis an important partof any operation, andchallenge, and to bettercontrol withlarge tires. AR/Ccontrol unitis used to controlremoteTBot, but the enginesare often the causeofcrash, which alsoare discussed.
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4WD robot mobile platform |
TBotnot been used ina missionon the ground, but the videoshowssome ofthebasic movesthat can makethese futuresoldiers.