Got a few actual flights in today...
There was a fair amount of wind at the
field today that was gusting.Probably 10-15+.
With the pots in the middle position,Mystery
fbl 3-axis gyro there was an updown bobbing of the tailnose, especially
during backwards flight. This really got bad when I did tic-tocs and flips.
Mystery fbl 3-axis gyro flybarless rc
Helicopter 3 axis gyro
I landed, dialed pot 1 (cyclic) down just a
bit and went up again. This time, the machine was dialed in perfectly! I
proceeded to big-air 3D the thing and was blown away...handled everything I
threw at it perfectly!
The 500 flewhandled like a big heli and
flew like it was on rails, even in the wind!
fbl 3-axis gyro,I did piro-flips, hurricanes,
funnels, elevatoraileron tic-tocs, stationary flips, FFF, FBF, giant loops,
slow controlled F3C type flying, reversals, did it all wout any
issues at all! The unit performed just as well as any of my BeastX units. I was
completely blown away and wasn't expecting this level of performance from what
is basically a BeastX clone! It was flawless!
fbl 3-axis gyro,there was absolutely no drift of
the tail or cyclic, even in the wind...everything stayed put and would
basically hover hands off. Piros were even in both directions and the disk
didn't wander at all. In FFF, RC
helicopter gyro I could piro wout any slingshotting issues and the heli
didn't deviate from it's path, loosegain altitude nor loose speed.
The feel was very smooth and connected.
fbl 3-axis gyro,I'm very impressed wthe unit and
glad I got to test it out!
Here's the setup I tested the unit on
Mystery fbl 3-axis gyro.
Heli - T-Rex 500ESP with the RJX head.
Cyclic servos - Hi-Tec HS225MG
Tail Servo - Savox SH-1290MG
Blades - Align 3G
Battery - Pulse 2500Mah, 45C
Running Pro mode on the FBL unit w12
degrees pitch.Mystery
fbl 3-axis gyro flybarless rc Helicopter 3 axis gyro.Flight videos will
follow this coming weekend...didn't get any today due to overcast sky and no
decent video cam being available.